Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lea's so happy to be in Egypt!

My favorite part of being here is watching Lea as she travels through Egypt. This is a trip that she's been wanting to do ever since our last visit in 1998. She's so excited about being here. I've never known her to be so thrilled to be anywhere before, and it's such a treat for me to see. Her joy is written all over face as we visit these ancient sites. You can hear the wonder in her voice as she expresses her amazement at what she sees and hears. I'm sure our guide, Ahmed, has never had as attentive a tourist as Lea. He's a great guy and is really taking good care of us, especially, Lea! :-)


  1. Hi Stuart,

    Thanks for the posts. This is so cool to share this journey with you in this way. Also, glad to have such a great update. Lea looks fabulous in this picture! Her face expresses all of what said. I am glad to know that this experience is bringing wonder and delight into your lives and that you are being well taken care of. Hope everything continues to go well. You all are missed and loved.


  2. Hi there Stuie! Boy it is so great to see the sites with you! Thank you so much for taking the time to do it. And Lea does look so relaxed! We know that if she loves it there then we will too!

    Hi to Frank O and Leazo and hugs to all of you.



  3. Nice location.. I like that.. http://pondokmaharta.blogspot.com/

  4. Hi, Stuart,

    What a great photo of Lea! She does look relaxed and as if she's really enjoying herself. I am so glad to hear that you all are well cared for; somehow, I am not surprised about that since it is Basem and Manal's company. They did such a wonderful job of caring for our group in 1998.

    Hope the remainder of your trip is enjoyable and productive. I can't wait to see you all! Take care.

    Much love,

  5. You must be in some low-tech areas. I have enjoyed the posts. Hope you all are healthy and that things are working out better than you imagined!
    David O
